Reviewed: Podium Stand for iPhone 3G/3GS & Electro-Optix Magnifier


There’s no denying the iPhone is an awesome smartphone for those who are frequently on-the-go and need to perform tasks such as checking & sending emails, web browsing, watching videos and listening to music while away from their home or office PC.  What about those of us who spend most hours during the week chained to a desk at home or an office?  With the right accessories, the iPhone 3G/3GS can also work as an awesome little information and entertainment device  for your home or office desktop.  Rather than have your iPhone in your pocket or just lying on your desk during the workday,  use it to monitor real-time stock quotes or as a small digital photo frame.  Or you can use it as a mini tv set like I have for the past couple months now, streaming DirecTV satellite programming from my home to iPhone 3G using a Slingbox and the SlingPlayer Mobile app for iPhone. 

 I’m going to review two accessories that enhance using an iPhone as a desktop device, the Podium Platinum Stand for the iPhone 3G/3GS and Electro-Optix Flexible Gooseneck Magnifier.   I’ve posted YouTube videos in high-def demonstrating both products as well.

Podium Platinum Stand for iPhone 3G/3GS

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If you frequently find yourself having to find an object on your desk, like a pencil holder or soda can, to lean your iPhone up against to watch YouTube videos or stream live tv, the Podium Platinum for the iPhone 3G/3GS by Pivotal is a high-quality, stylish and functional iPhone stand you should definitely consider. 

The Podium allows you to quickly change your iPhone 3G/3GS from a vertical position to landscape mode with one flick of the wrist, thanks to a unique 360-degree ball-bearing mount that allows you to adjust your iPhone to any position or viewing angle.

 The base of the Podium stand is made of heavy (16 oz) solid steel with a polished nickel finish.  Having a heavy, sturdy base is important as it prevents the Podium stand, and your iPhone, from tipping over or sliding while in use.   The base is sturdy enough that I’m able to operate my iPhone with one hand without needing to hold the stand down with the other.  The bottom of the base is lined with a 3M Bumpon anti-skid padding to further prevent the stand from sliding and scratching your table while you’re using your iPhone mounted in the stand. 

The Podium cradle is molded to perfectly fit the iPhone 3G and 3GS.  The iPhone easily snaps into place without being too loose or tight.  The stand will work just fine if you have a protective film cover for your iPhone.  However if you have a case, you will need to remove it to use this stand.  The cradle’s 3 “fingers” are made of ABC plastic that won’t scratch your iPhone.  And they won’t cover the iPhone’s side volume controls or speaker. 

With the polished steel, the Podium is very stylish and looks great on your office desk.  For an added touch, there’s a hole cutout in the base for pass-through of a USB cable.

The only negative aspect of the Podium Platinum Stand is the cost.   It does cost more than other iPhone stands.  The normal list price of the Podium Stand purchased through the website is $68.  A bit steep for a stand.  If you’re price conscious, you might consider a less expensive stand.  However,  the Podium website is currently selling the Podium Stand for a limited time at a reduced price of $48.  If you use the coupon code ‘revolution’ during the checkout process, you’ll get an additional 20% off, bringing down the final cost to $38.40 (shipping additional).  At this price, the Podium is a bargain, comparable in price to other stands on the market.  If you’re thinking of buying a stand for your iPhone, I would definitely get the Podium now before the price goes back up to $68.   

 The Podium 3G/3GS stand is also available in all-white Pearl and black Carbon models.  Also available for the original iPhone and iPod Touch.



 Electro-Optix Gooseneck Flexible Stand Magnifier

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I find the size of the iPhone screen a non-issue during mobile usage with my iPhone hand-held a foot or so from my eyes. I can see and read the screen fine from up close.  But sitting on my office desk a couple feet away, the screen does seem smaller, making it harder to see what’s on the screen.  The small screen size is also a detriment when viewing video.  You definitely want a bigger screen for video and streaming tv with a desk-mounted iPhone.

 I found an easy solution to the screen size issue  using technology that has been around for centuries.  A magnifying lens!  The same concept used in eyeglasses, cameras, binoculars and telescopes to make objects appear larger.  I don’t think anyone’s ever thought of this before as I Googled when the idea first came to me and could not find any company selling an iPhone desk accessory for magnifying the screen.  Turns out this product DOES exist.  It’s just not sold or marketed as an iPhone screen magnifier. It’s the Electro-Optix FS-2.5 2.5x Flexible Stand Gooseneck Hands Free Magnifier available at and .  This desktop magnifier is typically sold to hobbyists who need magnification for close-up inspection (i.e. stamp collectors), and for uses such as watch and jewelry repair.  It just also happens to work great as an iPhone screen magnifier.

The Electro-Optix magnifier has a high-quality, distortion-free 2.5x magnifying power lens measuring 5.5″ x 4″ inches (perfect size for iPhone), with a flexible gooseneck that allows you to position the lens anywhere you need it.  The base is heavy, solid metal construction.   Like the Podium Stand, the Electro Optix desktop magnifier is high quality and doesn’t look out of place on a desk. 

I’ve been using this magnifier for a couple months now at work with the Podium stand and LOVE IT!  I would have a hard time going back to using the iPhone at work without it.  The magnifier works well for all iPhone applications, especially emails and the Safari browser where the text can be too small to read from a distance.  Video applications benefit most of all where it helps to have the bigger screen.  With the magnifier and Podium stand, I now regularly use my iPhone at work as a small tv set using a Slingbox Pro HD I have connected to my DirecTV receiver at home and Slingplayer Mobile app for iPhone.  It’s great being able to stream CNN and CNBC to my iPhone in the background while I’m at work to keep up with what’s going on in the world and stock market.  And the occasional ballgame when one of my favorite teams is playing a day game.  I can even play back tv shows I’ve recorded on my dvr.  Sure, I could just as easily use my work PC to stream tv and video, but I much prefer using my iPhone as a dedicated video device sitting next to my monitor that won’t intefere with work I’m doing on the PC.  Having the iPhone close to my PC also works out well as I can keep my iPhone plugged into an open USB port to keep the battery from wearing down.  Video and streaming tv apps will drain your iPhone battery pretty quickly, so you do need to keep it plugged in.

Even if you don’t care to watch video or tv on your iPhone at work, I would still recommend the magnifier for other apps like email, web browsing, stock quotes, games, etc.  Especially if you have impaired near-vision as the magnifier makes it a lot easier to see what’s on the iPhone screen. 

The only negatives are the size of the magnifier and cost.   It’s about the size of a small desk lamp, so it could be an issue if you have a cluttered desk and just don’t have the room for it.  The magnifier costs $50-$55 plus shipping.  Not exactly cheap, but it’s highly-quality construction and benefits definitely justify the cost in my opinion.  

In summary, I would highly recommend getting both the Podium stand and Electro-Optix magnifier if you use your iPhone frequently at work.  Both products work great together to give you optimal iPhone usage on a desk.   Getting both the Podium and Electro-Optix magnifier will set you back a little over $100 once you add in shipping costs.  If you can’t afford both right away, I would recommend at least getting the Podium stand now while the limited time $48 price is still in effect.  Then buy the magnifier later when you can afford it.

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One Response to Reviewed: Podium Stand for iPhone 3G/3GS & Electro-Optix Magnifier

  1. David Kellas says:

    that screen magnifier is bloody powerful!

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